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bessely width latex fonts

using CairoMakie, LaTeXStrings, SpecialFunctions

x = 0.1:0.1:15

fig = Figure(size = (600, 400), fonts = (; regular="CMU Serif")) ## probably you need to install this font in your system
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"x", ylabel = L"Y_{\nu}(x)", ylabelsize = 22,
    xlabelsize = 22, xgridstyle = :dash, ygridstyle = :dash, xtickalign = 1,
    xticksize = 10, ytickalign = 1, yticksize = 10, xlabelpadding = -10)
for ν in 0:4
    lines!(ax, x, bessely.(ν, x), label = latexstring("Y_{$(ν)}(x)"), linewidth = 2)
axislegend(; position = :rb, nbanks = 2, framecolor = (:grey, 0.5))
ylims!(-1.8, 0.7)
┌ Warning: Keyword argument `bgcolor` is deprecated, use `backgroundcolor` instead.
└ @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/z2T2o/src/makielayout/blocks/legend.jl:22