Transfering examples from here
using GLMakie, GeometryBasics using RPRMakie, RadeonProRender using LinearAlgebra, Colors, FileIO
background/sky color
img = [colorant"grey90" for i in 1:1, j in 1:1]
color as an array/image, hence a normal image also works
lights = [EnvironmentLight(1.0, img'), PointLight(Vec3f(2,0,2.0), RGBf(8.0, 6.0, 5.0))]
custom Tesselation over an Sphere
function SphereTess(; o=Point3f(0), r=1, tess=64) return uv_normal_mesh(Tesselation(Sphere(o, r), tess)) end plane = Rect3f(Vec3f(-5,-2,-1.05), Vec3f(10,4,0.05))
the actual figure
fig=Figure(; size=(900, 900)) ax=LScene(fig[1, 1]; show_axis=false, scenekw=(;lights=lights)) screen=RPRMakie.RPRScreen(size(ax.scene); plugin=RPR.Northstar, iterations=250) matsys=screen.matsys mesh!(ax, SphereTess(); color=RGB(0.082, 0.643, 0.918), material=RPR.DiffuseMaterial(matsys)) mesh!(ax, plane; color=:gainsboro, material=RPR.DiffuseMaterial(matsys))
GLMakie.activate!() zoom!(ax.scene, cameracontrols(ax.scene), 0.22) display(fig) context, task = RPRMakie.replace_scene_rpr!(ax.scene, screen) nothing # avoid printing stuff into the repl imageOut = colorbuffer(screen)
save("SpherePlaneSky.png", imageOut) # save just screen scene.

This only works under windows and linux.