Falling bodies in the Solar System.
using GLMakie, FileIO
# See following links for references:
# https://twitter.com/AnsonBiggs/status/1444823816031510529/photo/1
# https://github.com/JuliaAnimators/Javis.jl/blob/master/examples/gravities.jl
diameters = Dict(
"Mercury" => 4879,
"Venus" => 12104,
"Earth" => 12756,
"Moon" => 3475,
"Mars" => 6792,
"Jupiter" => 142984,
"Saturn" => 120536,
"Uranus" => 51118,
"Neptune" => 49528,
"Pluto" => 2370)
struct Body
Body(pos, name, grav, color) = Body(pos, name, grav, color, log(diameters[name]) * 2)
bodies = [
Body(1, "Mercury", 3.7, "snow4")
Body(2, "Venus", 8.9, "navajowhite")
Body(3, "Earth", 9.8, "lightskyblue")
Body(4, "Moon", 1.6, "gainsboro")
Body(5, "Mars", 3.7, "orangered")
Body(6, "Jupiter", 23.1, "olive")
Body(7, "Saturn", 9, "burlywood")
Body(8, "Uranus", 8.7, "cyan3")
Body(9, "Neptune", 11, "dodgerblue")
Body(10, "Pluto", 0.7, "rosybrown4")
framerate = 24
height = 1000 # meters
frames = let
# Get planet with slowest acceleration
slowest = [p.gravity for p in bodies] |> minimum
# Kinematic equation to determine seconds to fall from height
time = 2 * height / slowest |> sqrt
# Calculate total frames and add a few seconds at the end to display final result
ceil(Int, time * framerate) + framerate * 5
fontsize = 12
f = Observable(1)
with_theme(theme_dark()) do
fig = Figure(; size=(900, 500))
axs = [Axis(fig[i, j]) for j in 1:11, i in 1:3]
for (idx, body) in enumerate(bodies)
# Kinematic equations to calculate how many frames each planet will be active
t_final = 2 * height / body.gravity |> sqrt
v_final = body.gravity * t_final
frame_final = ceil(Int, t_final * framerate)
# Calculate time of current frame for kinematic math
time = @lift($f / framerate)
# Calculate planets current position
body_y = @lift(height - 0.5 * body.gravity * $time^2)
sec = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? round(t_final, digits = 1) : round($time, digits = 1))
velocity = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? round(v_final, digits = 1) : round(body.gravity * $time, digits = 1))
body_y = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? 0 : $body_y)
# Set planet's position
scatter!(axs[idx+1, 2], @lift(Point2f(1, $body_y)), color = body.color, markersize = 25)
text!(axs[idx+1, 1], @lift(string($sec, "s")),
position = Point2f(1, 1),
fontsize = fontsize, color = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? "orange" : "grey90"),
align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[idx+1, 1],
@lift(string($velocity, "m/s")),
position = Point2f(1, 0), fontsize = fontsize,
color = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? "orange" : "grey90"),
align = (:left, :center))
ylims!(axs[idx+1, 2], -30, height + 30)
scatter!(axs[idx+1,3], [Point2f(0,0)]; color = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? body.color : "grey9"),
strokecolor = :white, markersize = 85,
strokewidth = @lift($body_y <= 0 ? 2 : 0.25))
# Set text that is static during entire planet translation
text!(axs[idx+1, 1], body.name, position = Point2f(1, 3),
fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[idx+1, 1], string(body.gravity, "m/s²"),
position = Point2f(1, 2), fontsize = fontsize,
align = (:left, :center))
limits!(axs[idx+1, 1], 0, 3, -0.5, 3.5)
ylims!(axs[1, 2], -15, height + 15)
text!(axs[1, 2], "\n1 Km", position = Point2f(0, 1000),
color=:orangered, fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[1, 2], "0 Km", position = Point2f(0, 0),
color=:dodgerblue, fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[1, 1], "Body:", position = Point2f(0, 3),
fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[1, 1], "Acceleration:", position = Point2f(0, 2),
fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[1, 1], "Time:", position = Point2f(0, 1),
fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
text!(axs[1, 1], "Velocity:", position = Point2f(0, 0),
fontsize = fontsize, align = (:left, :center))
limits!(axs[1, 1], 0, 3, -0.5, 3.5)
[hidedecorations!(axs[idx, k]) for idx in 1:11, k in 1:3]
[hidespines!(axs[idx, k]) for idx in 1:11, k in 1:3]
Label(fig[0, :], "Falling Bodies in the Solar System\n ", font=:bold,
tellwidth = false, color = :grey70, fontsize=16)
Label(fig[0, :],
rich("Visualization by ",
rich("Lazaro Alonso\n ", color=:dodgerblue)),
rowgap!(fig.layout, 0)
colgap!(fig.layout, 0)
rowsize!(fig.layout, 1, Auto(0.15))
rowsize!(fig.layout, 3, Auto(0.2))
record(fig, "gravities.mp4", framerate = 2 * framerate) do io
for i in 1:frames
f[] = i
recordframe!(io) # record a new frame