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Animate line and point: Projectile motion

using GLMakie

# let's define some trajectory equations:
x(t; v₀ = 270, θ = 60) = v₀ * t * cos* π / 180)
y(t; v₀ = 270, θ = 60, g = 9.8) = v₀ * t * sin* π / 180) - g * t^2 / 2

# Define a point function
loc_point(t) = Point2f(x(t), y(t))
# and a time span to calculate some coordinates
t = 0:0.5:50
# initial point
traj = Observable(loc_point.(t[1:2]))
lead_point = Observable(loc_point(t[2]))

# first frame, initial plot
fig = Figure(; size = (600,400))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel = "x", ylabel = "y")
lines!(ax, traj; color = :grey45, linewidth = 2)
scatter!(lead_point; color = :orangered, markersize = 15)
# the animation is done by updating the Observables
record(fig, "scatterAndLine.mp4") do io
    for t_i in t[3:end]
        push!(traj[], loc_point(t_i)) # add new point to trajectory
        lead_point[] = loc_point(t_i) # update leading point
        ax.title = "t = $(t_i)"
        ylims!(ax, -1000, 3000)
        traj[] = traj[] #  trigger all updates for the new frame
        recordframe!(io)  # record a new frame