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Animating Rasters with Makie.jl

  • Author: Anshul Singhvi

"Rasters" are a common data format for representing spatial data, specifically data points on a uniform grid. In Julia, we can represent and manipulate these using the Rasters.jl package.

Rasters.jl currently handles raster arrays like GeoTIFF and NetCDF, R grd files, multi-layered stacks, and multi-file series of arrays and stacks.

In this example, we'll use Rasters.jl to load some climate data from WorldClim, and then visualize it in multiple ways using Makie's recipe system (sometimes automatically, and sometimes manually!).

We'll also show the Julia package ecosystem's effortless interoperability, by using DataInterpolations.jl to smoothly interpolate a timeseries of rasters, and animate them in Makie!

# ENV["RASTERDATASOURCES_PATH"] = ".." # joinpath(tempdir(), "Rasters"), needed for RasterDataSources

Let's load the packages:

using Rasters
using RasterDataSources
using ArchGDAL
using GLMakie
using Makie.GeometryBasics
using Makie.GeometryBasics: Tesselation, uv_normal_mesh
using DataInterpolations, Printf

Getting the data

First, we get the rasters. This is made really easy with Rasters.jl, and its integration with RasterDataSources.jl. This allows you to effortlessly get rasters from several popular datasets on demand, including WorldClim and MODIS!

Here, we get the WorldClim climate data, which is an average of the climate in a given month, for the entire globe. We obtain the data for all 12 months.

worldclim_stacks = [RasterStack(WorldClim{Climate}, month=i) for i in 1:12];
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
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│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 0.5503
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│   remaining = "16.129 MiB"
└   total = "35.863 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
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│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "35.863 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 0.9683
│   time_taken = "1.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.03 s"
│   average_speed = "34.544 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "34.578 MiB"
│   remaining = "1.134 MiB"
└   total = "35.712 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "1.05 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
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│   downloaded = "35.712 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "35.712 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "335.938 KiB/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 0.6731
│   time_taken = "1.58 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.77 s"
│   average_speed = "15.142 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "23.984 MiB"
│   remaining = "11.649 MiB"
└   total = "35.634 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "1.88 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "18.934 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "35.634 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "35.634 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.2 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "33.933 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "6.922 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "6.922 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.54 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "28.829 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "15.481 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "15.481 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 0.9099
│   time_taken = "1.38 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.14 s"
│   average_speed = "17.453 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "24.172 MiB"
│   remaining = "2.393 MiB"
└   total = "26.564 MiB"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "1.4 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "19.043 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "26.564 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "26.564 MiB"
[ Info: Starting download for
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.0 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "∞ B/s"
│   downloaded = "344 bytes"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "344 bytes"
┌ Info: Downloading
│   source = ""
│   dest = "../WorldClim/Climate/zips/"
│   progress = 1.0
│   time_taken = "0.81 s"
│   time_remaining = "0.0 s"
│   average_speed = "32.202 MiB/s"
│   downloaded = "25.954 MiB"
│   remaining = "0 bytes"
└   total = "25.954 MiB"

These are RasterStacks, which are basically a collection of associated rasters. We can get individual rasters from these stacks:


In order to get them into a form which we can use directly with Makie, we can call Makie.convert_arguments directly on individual rasters from these stacks.

This will return a tuple of (x::Vector, y::Vector, z::Matrix), where z are the values of the raster at the points (x, y). This is the format that we can supply directly to Makie.

Makie.convert_arguments(Makie.VertexGrid(), worldclim_stacks[1].tmax);

Let's extract two variables from this stack, the maximum temperature (:tmax), and the precipitation (:prec).

temp_rasters = replace_missing.(getproperty.(worldclim_stacks, :tmax), NaN);
prec_rasters = replace_missing.(getproperty.(worldclim_stacks, :prec), NaN);

Interpolating Rasters in time

This is good data, but we only have twelve time points. If we want a smooth animation, we could interpolate them.

Let's take advantage of Julia's easy interoperability, and use a totally different package, which has no idea that Rasters.jl exists, but works with it thanks to the generic nature of well-written Julia code!

Here, we're performing a quadratic interpolation across the timeseries of rasters.

temp_interpolated = DataInterpolations.QuadraticInterpolation(temp_rasters, 1:length(temp_rasters), extrapolate=true)
prec_interpolated = DataInterpolations.QuadraticInterpolation(prec_rasters, 1:length(temp_rasters), extrapolate=true);

This returned an interpolation object which can be called with any time value (as temp_interpolated(1.5)) between those it's given in the second parameter of the call.

A simple animation

Let's see if this interpolation worked. We create a figure to animate:

ras_inter = temp_interpolated(1.0);

temp_inter = Observable(ras_inter)
fig= Figure(; size = (800,800))
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1]; perspectiveness=0.5,
    aspect=(1, 1, 1))
plt = surface!(ax, temp_inter; transparency=true)
hm = heatmap!(ax, temp_inter; nan_color=:black)
translate!(hm, 0, 0, -30) # get the heatmap to the bottom of the plot

Now that the figure has been created, we can animate and record it.

This is done using Makie's record convenience function, which can iterate through a range, and capture each frame and stitch it into an animation (using FFMpeg) automatically!

We use the @time macro to time how long the recording takes (note that this is on a device without a GPU, it will be significantly faster with one).

@time record(fig, "temperatureSurfaceAnimation.mp4", LinRange(1, 12, 480÷4); framerate = 30) do i
    ax.title[] = @sprintf "%.2f" i
    temp_inter[] = temp_interpolated(i)
788.488306 seconds (421.28 k allocations: 20.892 GiB, 9.59% gc time, 0.04% compilation time: 4% of which was recompilation)

Animating a 3-D globe

The last animation was pretty cool! But let's do something a little more 3D.

We can plot these fields on a sphere, so it looks like the actual Earth!

This is done by plotting the rasters on a spherical mesh, which we can color using a matrix of color values as a "texture" (in computer graphics terminology).

We want to represent the Earth as a sphere, so we tesselate (break up in to triangles) a sphere, which represents Earth, into a mesh.

Makie uses GeometryBasics.jl to represent geometries, and it has very simple and efficient routines to create meshes from simple shapes!

m = Makie.GeometryBasics.uv_normal_mesh(
            Point3f(0), 1.0f0

Now, we can decompose this mesh into its vertices, uv coordinates, and normals.

  • The vertices of the mesh are the coordinates of the points on the sphere.
  • "UV coordinates" are 2-vectors, going from 0 to 1. Each vertex has an associated UV coordinate. They provide the link between a mesh and how an image texture, like the raster we're going to color the mesh by, gets applied onto that mesh.
p = decompose(Point3f0, m)
uv = decompose_uv(m)
norms = decompose_normals(m);

Now, we move to the visualization!

Let's first define a colormap which we'll use to plot:

cmap = [:darkblue, :deepskyblue2, :deepskyblue, :gold, :tomato3, :red, :darkred]
7-element Vector{Symbol}:

this colormap is fun, but its confusing when including also the one for precipitation.

We create the Figure, which is the top-level object in Makie, and holds the axis which holds our plots.

fig = Figure(; size=(800, 800))
# First, we plot an empty the sphere
ax, plt_obj = mesh(fig[1, 1], uv_normal_mesh(Tesselation(Sphere(Point3f(0), 0.99), 128));
    color=(:white, 0.1), transparency=true,
    axis=(type=LScene, show_axis=false)
# Then, we plot the sphere, which displays temperature.
temperature_plot = mesh!(
    color=Makie.convert_arguments(Makie.VertexGrid(), worldclim_stacks[10].tmax)[3]'[end:-1:1,:] |> Matrix,
    colorrange=(-65, 50),
    colormap=:tableau_temperature, #cmap,
    shading = FastShading,

Note how we defined the color! We called Makie.convert_arguments on a Raster to get a tuple of (x, y, z), then used the z matrix as a texture to color the mesh.

The auto-generated UV coordinates are in the convention which devices use, and are actually swapped from the dimensions of column-major matrices in Julia. That's why we have to transpose the matrix we get from convert_arguments.

Next, we plot the water as a meshscatter plot, in this case kind of like a 3-D barplot on the sphere.

This is a simple utility function which retrieves the water values from the raster, and resamples them to the mesh's nonlinear grid.

function watermap(uv, water, normalization=908.0f0 * 4.0f0)
    markersize = map(uv) do uv
        wsize = reverse(size(water))
        wh = wsize .- 1
        x, y = round.(Int, Tuple(uv) .* wh) .+ 1
        val = water[size(water)[1]-(y-1), x] / normalization
        (isnan(val) || (val < 0.0)) ? -1.0f0 : val
watermap (generic function with 2 methods)

We don't want to call convert_arguments all the time, so let's define a convenience function to do it:

raster2array(raster) = Makie.convert_arguments(Makie.VertexGrid(), raster)[3]'[end:-1:1,:]
watervals = watermap(uv, raster2array(worldclim_stacks[1].prec))
40000-element Vector{Float32}:


Let's finally plot the meshscatter!

xy_width = 0.01
prec_plot = meshscatter!(
    p, # the positions of the tessellated mesh we got last time
    rotations=norms, # rotate according to the normal vector, pointing out of the sphere
    marker=Rect3(Vec3f(0), Vec3f(1)), # unit box
    markersize=Vec3f0.(xy_width, xy_width, max.(0, watervals)), # scale by 0.01 in x and y, and `watervals` in z
    color=max.(0, watervals),
    colorrange=(0, 0.2),
    colormap=[(:red, 0.01), (:dodgerblue, 0.7)],

Before we animate, we could change the camera angles with:

#eye_position = Vec3f(0.31496838, -1.1342758, 2.535153)
#lookat = Vec3f(0.084392734, -0.011545606, 0.12137972)
#upvector = Vec3f(0.29894897, 0.71282643, 0.6344353)
#update_cam!(ax.scene, eye_position, lookat, upvector)

# Let's also add a little title which tells us which season we're in:
title_label = Label(fig[0, 1]; tellwidth = false, font = :bold, fontsize = 20)
Colorbar(fig[1,2], temperature_plot, label="Temperature", height = Relative(0.5))
Colorbar(fig[2,1], prec_plot, label="Precipitation", width = Relative(0.5), vertical=false)

zoom!(ax.scene, cameracontrols(ax.scene), 0.65)
# display(fig; update=false)

Now, we animate the water and temperature plots!

record(fig, "worldclimVisualization.mp4", LinRange(1, 24, 600÷4); framerate = 24, update=false) do i
    title_label.text[] = @sprintf "%.2f" (i % 12)
    temperature_plot.color[] = raster2array(temp_interpolated(i % 12))
    watervals = max.(0, watermap(uv, raster2array(prec_interpolated(i % 12))))
    prec_plot.color[] = watervals
    prec_plot.markersize[] .= Vec3f0.(xy_width, xy_width, watervals)
    # since we modify markersize inplace above, we need to notify the signal
    rotate!(ax.scene, i / 7)

This example, and some of the development work which made it possible, was funded by the xKDR Forum.