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heatmap with 1 shared colorbar

using CairoMakie
using Random

fig = Figure(; size = (600, 400))
axs = [Axis(fig[1, j], aspect = 1, xticks = [1, 10], yticks = [1, 10]) for j in 1:2]
[heatmap!(axs[i], 1:10, 1:10, rand(10, 10); colormap = :plasma,
    colorrange = (0, 1)) for i in 1:2]
Colorbar(fig[2, :1:2], colormap = :plasma, limits= (0,1),
    vertical = false, flipaxis = false, height = 15, tickwidth = 2,
    ticklabelsize = 14, ticks = [0, 0.5, 1])
hideydecorations!(axs[2], ticks = false)